Sunday, October 18, 2009
Two plus Two = Four

Monday, September 7, 2009
Macaroni Salad Memories

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Beauty that's Kanab
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Summer Days, The River, and Somer's Day
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
But then along comes something so beautiful it reminds you that
"there is HOPE smiling brightly before us".

And even though things sometimes look bleak, eventually things always improve.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Coming out of the Closet!
It's Frank, letting me know that he is bringing some people over in five minutes to look at the paint colors in our house. (At least he gave me some warning, right, otherwise they would have walked in to see me drooling and snoring on the couch). I am still in my pj's more or less, no makeup, bed head (and not the stylish kind) and there are dishes in the sink. At least the dishes are rinsed, but the sink is full. So I run around the house as fast as I can and pick up, make my bed, etc. While in the bedroom I hear Frank come home (I told him to come find me before he started showing them around, but apparantly he didn't hear that part).
I'm in my bathroom and decide to hide in the CLOSET.
You know. . . . . the one I cleaned out in January and was so proud of.

I hear them come into the bedroom, and then into the bathroom. The whole time I'm thinking, "don't open the CLOSET, don't open the CLOSET". I hear them leave the bathroom, phewwww!!! I'm safe. I'll wait a few minutes till they have left the house then I can come out of the CLOSET.
Oh no, I hear Frank's voice, it's getting closer. What's he saying? "Oh yeah, let me show you the CLOSET so you can see the old paint color". Now the little voice in my head is screaming, "noooooooooooooooooooooo, don't open the CLOSET!" For two seconds I have hope that Frank will see me first and shut the CLOSET before anyone else sees me, but no. It's too late. There I am, sitting in the closet in all my unkempt glory, huddled next to my slippers and pants sheepishly saying hi to the lady who is now staring into the CLOSET as they all kind of laugh at me for hiding in the CLOSET.
The moral to the story? It's better to just come out of the CLOSET as opposed to getting caught hiding in the CLOSET. Oh well, at least those people have a great story to tell all their friends. "Remember when we went to the Painter's house to see colors and his wife was hiding in the CLOSET?"
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mom's Day - Happy Birthday
To my MOM who is the perfect example of selflessness and enduring to the end.
To Frank's MOM for giving me my husband and for her unwavering faith and example of the power of prayer.
Happy MOM's day to my beautiful daughter Kelli who is an amazing MOM and who made me a GrandMOM.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Spring Time

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009

After all, how often do you get to have your picture taken with Famous People?
Apparantly twice, in one night. Here we are with the Gin Blossoms (not that I would have known who they were if I'd bumped into them on the street, but they were Famous at one time.)
Truth be told, they're just people, Famous or not, and Brooke White really was very kind.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
She turned 96 years young last week.
This is her DAUGHTER, my MOTHER

Once, I was just a DAUGHTER

And I became a MOTHER when I had this beautiful DAUGHTER
Who became the MOTHER of these two adorable DAUGHTERS
Here are five generations of

and a more recent picture of four generations

When my son got married, I added another beautiful DAUGHTER
I am grateful for the many
who bless my life.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

I thought I was oh, so clever when I came up with the name for my blog.
Apparently, not so much, since the first person to guess got it right.
And even though the second guess was not what I was originally thinking when I came up with A.B.O.M.O.
I liked it just as much, for it was . . . . . ..
All Because Off My Offspring
And CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie for winning the prize!
You should look for this

And just in case you were wondering, yes, I do know that you are not supposed to start a sentence with the word AND, but I did it anyway.