It's Frank, letting me know that he is bringing some people over in five minutes to look at the paint colors in our house. (At least he gave me some warning, right, otherwise they would have walked in to see me drooling and snoring on the couch). I am still in my pj's more or less, no makeup, bed head (and not the stylish kind) and there are dishes in the sink. At least the dishes are rinsed, but the sink is full. So I run around the house as fast as I can and pick up, make my bed, etc. While in the bedroom I hear Frank come home (I told him to come find me before he started showing them around, but apparantly he didn't hear that part).
I'm in my bathroom and decide to hide in the CLOSET.
You know. . . . . the one I cleaned out in January and was so proud of.

I hear them come into the bedroom, and then into the bathroom. The whole time I'm thinking, "don't open the CLOSET, don't open the CLOSET". I hear them leave the bathroom, phewwww!!! I'm safe. I'll wait a few minutes till they have left the house then I can come out of the CLOSET.
Oh no, I hear Frank's voice, it's getting closer. What's he saying? "Oh yeah, let me show you the CLOSET so you can see the old paint color". Now the little voice in my head is screaming, "noooooooooooooooooooooo, don't open the CLOSET!" For two seconds I have hope that Frank will see me first and shut the CLOSET before anyone else sees me, but no. It's too late. There I am, sitting in the closet in all my unkempt glory, huddled next to my slippers and pants sheepishly saying hi to the lady who is now staring into the CLOSET as they all kind of laugh at me for hiding in the CLOSET.
The moral to the story? It's better to just come out of the CLOSET as opposed to getting caught hiding in the CLOSET. Oh well, at least those people have a great story to tell all their friends. "Remember when we went to the Painter's house to see colors and his wife was hiding in the CLOSET?"