It's funny what the simple act of making MACARONI SALAD can do. This morning I was making MACARONI SALAD for a Family Barbeque later this afternoon. I hadn't made this particular SALAD for a really long time, so maybe that's why all the MEMORIES came flooding in.
As I was standing at the counter chopping tomatoes I realized I was standing like a Stork, on one leg. Something I do quite often when I'm in the kitchen. But everytime I do, I remember a family friend from childhood. We often did things with the Parker family, and thier oldest daughter always stood like that when we were in the kitchen making food. Thinking of her brought back so many MEMORIES of spending time with the Parker family. I used to stay at their home when my mom was in the hospital, and I remember countless pool parties in their backyard with the Bleazard Family. Thinking of them brings back vivid MEMORIES of walking in their Living Room and the sound it made, I can see the shag carpet, and the big ottoman on wheels that we used to push around. And I remember the time I had a loose tooth while I was staying with them. Dr. Parker was an Oral Surgeon, so of course he wanted to pull it out! I was not very happy about that, and I cried a lot! I loved the Parker family and have many fond MEMORIES of the fun times we had together.
My earliest MEMORY of MACARONI SALAD was when I was 7 or 8 and we had a big Tucker Family Reunion. I remember standing in the kitchen helping my Aunt LeVora make MACARONI SALAD. I don't remember ever having heard of it before then. I loved MACARONI, so I was really excited to taste it, and I wasn't dissappointed, it was delicious!
My Mom always made MACARONI SALAD after that. We ate it quite often. Whenever there were leftovers, they went in a Mason Jar. There have been many times when I have gone to visit Mom and Dad, and there is a Mason Jar with MACARONI SALAD sitting in the fridge. Then I know I am home.
I used to make MACARONI SALAD all the time for my kids. They loved the olives and the little pieces of cheese. As they got older and moved out of the house, the MACARONI SALAD turned into fancier Pasta Salads that they really didn't like as much.
My daughter, Kelli, makes MACARONI SALAD quite often for her family and anytime she needs to bring a salad to some function. We have a family BBQ today for Labor Day, and I asked her what kind of salad I should bring. She said "bring my (meaning hers) MACARONI SALAD. Funny how it has now become hers. I like that though. I'm glad I have passed down a little part of our heritage through a MACARONI SALAD recipe.
Mostly, MACARONI SALAD always just reminds of me of Summer. So it is fitting that we should have MACARONI SALAD on this day that officially means Summer is over. I hope all of you have a wonderful Labor Day enjoying time with your families, making MEMORIES and food that will someday spark MEMORIES in your children and theirs.