Frank brought home our CHRISTMAS TREE last Saturday. I finally found time to get it decorated on Wednesday. So, as I was all alone, decorating the tree, and not even any CHRISTMAS music to help get me into the spirit of things, I found myself starting to think (and me with too much time to think, is not always a good thing).
As I Grinchily (yes, that's a word, I just made it up) decorated the CHRISTMAS TREE, I had to stop and wonder. Just exactly how did celebrating the birth of our Savior turn into this huge commercial extravaganza? How did the precious gift of our Savior turn into CHRISTMAS TREES, and Stockings hung by the chimney with care, and over indulgent gift giving and spending, and mass quantities of cookies and baking? How did the true spirit of CHRIST turn into feelings of stress and inadequacy, where was/is the Joy?
The truth is, sometimes you just have to look for it. And sometimes you have to look harder than other times. The spirit of CHRISTMAS is there if you choose to focus on it, and ignore the distractions. It's there in the beautiful strains of CHRISTMAS music sung by choirs of angels who might really just be little children, or Church Choirs, or even Choir Students. It's there in the faces of those who find ways to help someone in need, or maybe just share a smile instead of being annoyed at the long lines in the stores. And it is always there in the eyes of a child as they gaze in wonder at the lights on the CHRISTMAS TREE.
So, as we stress and fret and hurry about trying to prepare for CHRISTMAS, maybe we need to be a little less like Martha who was "cumbered about" as she cleaned and prepared food for the Savior, and more like Mary who chose "the better part" as she sat at His feet and learned of Him.
And just in case you have found yourself asking "Isn't there anyone who knows what CHRISTMAS is all about"? Here's a little reminder.
And, have yourself a Merry Little CHRISTMAS!