Disclaimer: There has been a lot of press lately about
"Mormon Mommy Blogs" and while I am a Mormon, I am ever so much older than those darling little "Mommies" who have the funnest, stylish, beautiful blogs, that I am also addicted to reading.
Yes, as Mormons we have been taught to keep Journals, and yes I used to try and keep a Journal, but after I got married and started having kids, it was hard to keep up with it. I would do an entry, and then six or seven months later the next entry would start out with something like "boy, it's been a long time since I last wrote". And, if you read my blog, you know that not much has changed as far as how often I post.
When I started this blog I thought I would be good about posting regularly, and making it cute and fun. But I've come to the conclusion that this blog really is "
A Blog
Own", it's mostly for me. And I hope some day, when I'm gone, my grandchildren and their children will be able to read it and get a glimpse of who their Grandma was.
So, with that
What I Learned Today or actually what I learned two days ago when I started this.A few years ago my husband started a tradition. On Sunday nights before we have family prayer we go around the room and each person has to say what we
Learned Today that would help our family. Even if we have guests, they have to take a turn as well. Since I was out of town this Sunday, I decided to blog about
What I Learned Today. I was reading a talk by Elder Christofferson given at a CES fireside. He spoke about the children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Since they would not be able to provide food for themselves by planting and harvesting it, or by hunting animals, the Lord provided Manna from Heaven.
Did you know Manna, in that ancient language means "what is it?" Can't you just see them looking at it and scratching their heads, and asking and wondering what the heck it was the first time they saw it? The Lord told them to only gather enough Manna to provide food for one day, nothing more. Yet some of the people didn't listen and tried to get extra, but the next day it would always be spoiled and rotten with worms. Yuk! But, on the sixth day they were told to gather enough for two days, so they could rest from their labors on the seventh day, and still have food to eat. Whenever they gathered food on the sixth day, even though they were gathering for two days instead of one, the food never spoiled. Interestingly enough, some of those people would still try to gather manna on the seventh day, they just couldn't resist "shopping". So this is What I Learned. The Lord wants us to prepare for the sabbath, it's important to him that we rest that day, and take time to worship him. We can use the sixth day, and every other day of the week to prepare so that there is no need to shop on Sunday . Even back then, it was important to keep the sabbath day holy, and the Lord prepared a way for the children of Israel to be able to do that.And even though I wasn't wandering through the wilderness for 40 years, I was traveling. I got to enjoy the beauty of the drive through the Gorge just outside of St. George, Utah.

And luckily, I didn't have to gather Manna from heaven to nourish my body. I got to eat this yummy granola bar, that I am now addicted to, and probably won't be able to find in Arizona. And, just in case you were wondering, I bought it on Friday.

And unfortunately, my drive didn't take me to the Land of Promise, but to the Land of Large and Spacious Buildings.
Which could be a whole different post all by itself.
And luckily for me, when I arrived I was able to take refuge at my brother's house and eat his food so that I didn't have to go gather Manna on the Sabbath, or eat at a Fast Food Restaraunt.
I am grateful for my safe travels, and grateful to be back home again. Until next week when we travel to Mexico and we get to see the ruins and the lands where the people from the Book of Mormon lived. And most grateful for a Father in Heaven who prepares a way for us to keep all of his commandments. And grateful for What I Learned Today and hope that it helped you as well.